Tiny Book

Wednesday 10 September 2014

Article Reflection 1

Articles for Teachers and Parents:

All parents and teachers want children to appreciate the beauty of written words and experience the excitement of traveling to far-off places and meeting new and different people through books. But like most skills, reading is a gift passed on in the home and in the classroom by adults who value reading. Bottom line: If kids see grown-ups reading, they will grow to cherish reading and books. Unfortunately, not every child comes to reading naturally; there are roadblocks—great and small—which hinder some kids from enjoying printed pages and illustrations. That’s why this section is so valuable to parents and teachers : It is a comprehensive guide to reading challenges and solutions. RIF explores a variety of topics—from "Reading With Your Child" to "Helping With Homeworkto "Combine Learning and Fun at Art Museums." There’s even an article on "Guidelines for Choosing Multicultural Books" so you and your children can enjoy the diversity of people, thoughts, and ideas from around the world.

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